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Twenty-one years I've had the privilege of living, and pressing on into the twenty second.


I am currently living by faith, allowing God to provide for me in as many ways as I am conscious to allow Him to. This means that what one usually needs money for is provided for, or money is provided. God has been faithful to provide my necessities so far in my life, down to breakfast on more than one occasion, and am sure He will continue to do so.

Circumstantially I am now to start working as a volunteer at North Cotes College, run by New Tribes Mission. I will be helping support the staff and students on this campus by serving in some administrative tasks, but primarily as a technical support in audio and IT systems.


Raised at the ends of the earth, living in Shotley, about 10 miles outside Ipswich, Suffolk, East England. After high school in the nearby village of Holbrook, I was able to study Audio and Music Technology followed by Electronics and Electrical Engineering at Suffolk New College.

Having been involved with audio and music systems for a few years already I took to the Audio and Music Technology BTEC pretty well. During these two years I was able to develop my recording and computer audio skills.

The Electronics and Electrical Engineering followed the Music Tech. and having a natural interest in these areas this study came naturally also. The electronics covered a number of new areas of study as well as informing my knowledge in the sound engineering realm.